The past few days I've had a virus, and have been feeling (and looking) nothing at all like a princess. Nor have I been waited on hand and foot, although hubby has done a pretty good job of taking over some of the chores. (Thanks, Hon!) The kids, however, don't realize that when I say "Mom's resting" it means to actually let me rest. (Although their snuggly little bodies and warm hugs can be comforting!)
It seems to me that we, as women, never get to completely take the day off. Maybe it's our own fault, I don't know. But that's an entirely different blog and conversation.
At any rate, I haven't been feeling at all like royalty. So how do I know that I am a princess? Is there really anything to this "heirs of God" claim I'm making? Maybe I'm just some crazy woman who looked up a scripture and thought, "Hmmm…here's an idea." So I started looking up more scripture to see what I could find.
When each of my kids was born, I started a journal to record their "firsts" and also the little everyday things that make them special to me. So I decided to see if God did the same thing for us.
He did. I found tons of scripture verses in the Bible proclaiming our worth to God. I'm mention just one of them now.
Matthew 10:30 tells us that "the very hairs of our head are numbered." Wow. God knows even those tiny details about us? The creator of the universe takes that much notice of one small person?
When my sons were born, I counted their tiny fingers and toes. I knew that their pinky toes curled in, where their birthmarks were located, and what color their eyes were. One son had a dimple on his chin, the other in his cheeks. I memorized every detail, breathing in their scent, touching their smooth skin, drinking in as much as I could because I was in love. They meant more to me than I could imagine.
Any of you who has ever been in love, or had a child, knows what I mean. You can't seem to get enough of that person. You know their favorite song, if they like the rain, and which way they like to hold hands.
We mean that much and more to God. Each of us. Individually. He loves us as a father loves us, only so much more.
I guess that does make me feel a little bit special. How about you?
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