For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. - Psalms 139:13-14
To think that God made each of us uniquely special!
"Mom, I'm different," my son said to me the other day. And it's true, he is. God made him his own unique self. It amazes me how different both of my sons are from each other, even, having come from the exact same gene pool!
We are all uniquely made in the eyes of God. He created us just as He wants us.
Our society teaches us from a young age to be dissatisfied with who we are. I remember I was in a health class in middle school and the teacher gave us an assignment. We were supposed to figure out one body part that we didn't like and tell why we didn't like it and why we'd like to change it.
I told her I was happy with the way I was. (And at the time, that was true!) She got angry with me, and said that NOBODY was happy with the way they were. Some women wanted their hips to be smaller, or their hair a different color. There had to be something.
But at the time, I was still young enough to believe I was okay just the way I was.
Now, there are days (MANY days) when I wish I was different. I wish I was in better shape. I wish I didn't get tired so easily. I wish I was younger. J
What I have to remember is that I am God's creation, and I need to rejoice in that. God had a plan when He created me, and He gave me this body and this mind, and my own unique talents for a reason. I want to embrace who I am, for my children's sake if nothing else. What a better example in self-confidence than for their kids to see their own mom loving herself for who she is?
I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am a creation uniquely made in the image of God. He even knows the number of hairs on my head. Wow!
Let's go into the day rejoicing in who we are!
In any group of women it seems to be assumed that we are insecure and unsatisfied with our bodies and ourselves. I am glad to see you finding joy instead.