If we are indeed princesses, we are rich by inheritance. Our father - the heavenly Father - owns everything. Literally!
…for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. Psalm 50:10
He tells me not to worry. He'll take care of me.
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Matthew 6:25
So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'
For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. Matthew 6:31-32
So, I've started decluttering.
I guess what I needed to realize before I started, was that I don't quite trust God to take care of it all. I hang on to things, thinking I'll need them again someday. What if? Seems to be my mantra. What if that spatula breaks? Then I'll be glad I kept two back-ups. What if my computer breaks? I can reboot the old one!
But if I'm trusting God to meet my needs, shouldn't I really trust Him?
I'm not saying that some planning for future emergencies isn't wise - it definitely is. But there's a difference between planning and hoarding. And I think I’m a pack rat.
But this month I've pulled up my shirtsleeves and decided that if I'm going to live like a princess, I need to start by cleaning house.
I cleaned out my closet first. It needs another good round of decluttering, but
I got rid of a bunch of clothes. I was hanging onto things that were out of style but still fit, or didn't fit but I thought would one day. I just had a lot of stuff.
The little, negative voice in my head kept talking to me:
What if my husband loses his job? What then? I'll need that extra pair of boots when my current pair wears out! I need to keep all ten sweatshirts and 17 T-shirts because when some wear out, I won't be able to afford new ones!
Do I hoard things because I fear that God may not meet all of my needs?
I remind myself that this month I'm walking in faith.
I've packed up a lot of my kid's toys to sell either on eBay or in a spring garage sale. I've given away quite a few of their clothes. Most recently, I bought a large storage tub and am going around the house tossing knick-knacks in. I may sell some, or give some away later, but for now, I just want them out of my sight.
I'm walking in faith that I can let go of things. I believe that God will provide for my needs when I actually do need things. He always has in the past.
I still have a lot of work to do, but what I've found is once you start decluttering, you see more stuff that you want to get rid of! And it really does feel good to share. I gave all of my maternity clothes to the pregnancy crisis center, and some of the boys winter coats to my neighbor. And you know what? I'm already seeing returns!
My friend gave me some jeans for my oldest son - in great condition! We received two free tickets to the movie theater! And yesterday when I went out to buy some much-needed underwear, the sales clerk gave me a special bonus discount on top of the sale!
This is fun! I'm looking forward to seeing how God blesses me next!
Remember, He will take care of you. He may not give us exactly what we want, but He will always give us exactly what we need.
It's amazing how much we have that we don't need. The funny thing is that a lot of times, the state of our personal space reflects our inner state. Good luck with the rest of your decluttering, Pam, and hopefully it'll help restore a little mental order too!
ReplyDeleteIt is amazing. What I'm finding, too, is that I want to go out and accumulate MORE stuff to declutter with - boxes, bins, etc. But instead, I'm getting rid of stuff. It's a bit freeing.