Today started out poorly. When it's barely 8:00 a.m. and you're already having a bad day, it seems inevitable that it can only get worse.
I won’t go into all the soggy details but after the alarm went off I came downstairs to face the dirty dishes I was too tired to do last night. I washed a frying pan, and then looked for bread. I was out of bread. When you have food allergies, like I do, you can't simply go out and buy a loaf - you have to make it - and I hadn't had time to do that this week and had let myself run out. What's worse, the kids were out of their bread too, and only had three slices left and we have a huge snow storm heading our way.
I made a slice for each of us. Problem is, their bread has milk in it and I'm allergic to it. I'm supposed to be trying to incorporate new foods back into my diet (doctor's orders) so I figured why not today?
By the time we left for school, my throat was starting to tingle and swell. The kids were fighting. I grabbed the Benedryl and my Epi pen, loaded the squabbling kids into the car and drove them to school.
By the time I dropped them off, my lips were swelling too. My girlfriend motioned me over in the parking lot to tell me her grandma had passed away. Then she prayed for me.
On the way home, I turned on the radio and a praise song was blasting out about how our God has the power to overcome. I started praising God - I may feel like I was dying but I was able to get of bed, cook breakfast and drive my kids to school. It could be worse.
I didn't die, obviously (I'm here, writing this), so God has granted me a little bit more time. The allergy resolved itself, I baked my bread, and now I've got a few minutes to type before I go pick up the kindergartener. Bearing that in mind, realize this is not a polished piece. But I was able to rejoice despite the bad start to my morning. That's the power of our God.
Back to the Princess Project. I've been in prayer about how to proceed, and I've come up with several categories I want to work on this year. I'll list them now:
These are the privileges I think we have as part of being an Heir of God, a "Princess": (I'm going to try to work on one new one each month in my own life)
For February: Riches
Where are mine? J
Is one reason that my house is cluttered is because I hoard? Is that because I don't trust God to meet my needs when I have them? (Or am I just too busy??) I have been greatly blessed in times of dire need. I want to explore this. I'm hoping February will be a month of decluttering both mentally and physically (starting with the house clutter!)
March: Beauty, inner and outer
April: Power (over the enemy)
May: Wisdom
June: Grace
July: Our Prince
August: Our Castle
Here are some of the responsibilities I think we have as part of our birthright:
September: Helping others
October: Sharing knowledge
November: Not abusing our power
December: Respecting the King (knowing my place)
I hope you can join me in my journey! God Bless.
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